More About Profile
Sri Ramakrishna Degree College, Nandyal,Andhra Pradesh, sponsored by Sri Ramakrishna Education Society, was established in the year 1984 with a vision to
“Create environment that enable the students to transform into productive Citizens with Creativity and Competence”.
The mission to provide top class higher learning facilities at Nandyal, which has been, till then, was starving for a well-knit educational institution that could offer quality education in different faculties, led to the establishment of Sri Ramakrishna Degree College in 1984. The College was then affiliated to Sri Venkateshwara University, Tirupathi and subsequently transferred to Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur due to reorganization of boundaries of these Universities by the State of Andhra Pradesh. Another round of the reorganization of the universities in the state of Andhra Pradesh has brought the college under the jurisdiction of the Rayalaseema University, Kurnool. Since its inception, the institution has been striving to set and surpass acclaimed educational standards. With the result, it became a name to reckon with by providing quality education through an environment conducive for both learners and facilitators.
Sri Ramakrishna Degree College has grown by leaps and bounds not only in introducing innovative courses, creating state of the art facilities, recruiting competent faculty but also in its status as an educational institution. It brought many academic laurels to the institution by securing many University ranks, distinctions and a very high ratio of first class students.
Having gained a decade’s rich experience in imparting quality education programs at the undergraduate level, a concerted effort was made to extend the same area of services at the Postgraduate level. And thus, Sri Ramakrishna Post Graduate College was established in 1994 under the aegis of Sri Ramakrishna Education Society offering MBA, MCA and M.Com (Professional) Courses.
The success in these courses not only gave us ample confidence but also motivated to embark upon extensive expansion activities in terms of adding additional infrastructure, faculty, and knitting together the threads of professionalism. As a result, the college added additional Post-Graduate courses, viz., M.Sc. (Computer Science), M.A. (English), M.Sc. (Electronics) and M.Sc. (Applied Mathematics and Mathematics), M.Sc. (Physics), M.Sc. (Electronics) and M.Sc. (Botany).
In recognition of its excellent services in the field of education the institution has received many Laurels from different quarters. During the year 1996, the College was admitted to grant-in-aid for some courses by the Government of Andhra Pradesh. The college got a shot in its arm when the UGC granted autonomous status to it during the academic year 2005-06. The college has been certified as an ISO 9001: 2000 institution for its exceptional academic standards in the year 2005. Another feather was added to its cap, when the college was identified as a college with potential for excellence (CPE) by the UGC. Since 2005-06 the college has been functioning under autonomous status.
The Autonomous status conferred on the college gave academic flexibility and intellectual freedom to design its own curricula, of course with certain limitations. A challenging and comprehensive curriculum is to be framed for these advanced learners and it should pave the way for them to seek admission into the Premier Institutions of Higher Learning and equip them well to pursue further education with ease. It should supplement and complement their endeavor for occupying important public positions such as honest civil servants, competent professionals, committed experts, talented scientists and so on. In view of this, each department has modified the common core syllabus with functional orientation to the extent of not less than 20% in each subject to cater to the needs of higher education and employment.
The employability of the students demands not only academic skills but also physical stamina, aesthetic sensibility and soft & social skills. For the purpose our students are encouraged to participate in NCC, NSS, Sports & Games, intellectual activities such as debates & seminars and cultural activities such as poetry, music, dance and painting. They are given grades for their active participation in them and these grades are incorporated in their marks memos and certificates.
There are certain lacunae left in the routine course of the conventional curriculum. They do not build adequate career orientation and capabilities. We recognize the dire present need to fill in them. The Certificate Courses in Communicative English & Soft Skills, Translation Studies, Functional Telugu, Annamacharya Literature, Communicative Hindi, Applied Mathematics, Computer Awareness, Food & Nutrition, Horticulture, Tourism & Travel Management, Human Rights, Journalism & Mass Communication and Tax Procedure are introduced in the academic year, 2005-06.
the College is re-accredited with “A” Grade by NAAC in the year 2015 witnessed the college crossing another land mark. The college went for NAAC accreditation in 2007 and in recognition of its exceptional standards the college has been accredited with ‘A’ Grade by the NAAC.
More About Mission
“To facilitate learning through advancement and dissemination of knowledge, skills and attitudes vital to holistic development of learners and to be a world class learning centre imparting quality education to learners irrespective of socio economic background and facilitate the learner to transform into an integrated personality”.
“To create an educated and enlightened society. To place a strong thrust on secularism, culture, tradition and character formation for the betterment of society.”
More About Goals Academic Excellence
- To provide higher education to the students of the backward region of Andhra Pradesh – Rayalaseema – as well as from other areas in the State of Andhra Pradesh.
- To impart skill oriented education that enables the learners to improve employable competencies in the context of changing economic order.
- To impart quality education with out discrimination in terms socio-economic and other variables like religion, political affiliation etc.
- To contribute to societal advancement and national development by imparting ethical and spiritual values to learners.
- To help women by empowering them through education and skills.
- To help liberate the minds of the youth of the area by providing qualitative education.
- To introduce ICT enabled education to facilitate the learners to acquire global level competencies.
- To inculcate among the students a sense of community service and environmental awareness.
- To create research temper in the young minds.
More About Goals Academic Excellence
With a sound infrastructure and all basic amenities like seminar halls, classrooms, well-equipped laboratories, health center, hostels etc., and a well qualified staff and supporting office, the College is known for its quality in higher education in Arts, Science and Commerce. The College prepares program-wise merit list of students, which creates a competitive spirit among them. Various concessions and aids are provided to deserving and economically weak students. The teachers are extended with all possible help and facilities to continue research and make full use of opportunities that would help them to maximize their potential and pass on their vast expertise and knowledge to their students.
The institution adopted the following mechanism/process for ensuring internal quality checks: transparency in admissions of students; monitoring and control over the attendance of the students to classes; continuous evaluation of the students through mid-term tests; students’ feedback of the faculty; and feedback of the stakeholders including industry about the courses/ curricula.
The institution is trying to ensure the quality in the academic programmes offered by it through adoption of various measures ranging from: induction programme to the newly admitted students; remedial coaching and assignments to the weak students; periodic review and restructuring of the curricula based on the feedback from the stakeholders including industry; deputation of faculty for faculty orientation / refresher / improvement programmes; encouragement to faculty to pursue Ph.D. /M.Phil. programmes; and interactive sessions between visiting faculty and the students and faculty.
The College is attempting to ensure the quality of its administration through decentralized and participatory approach. For improving teaching quality, teachers are encouraged to take regular feedback from the students. For taking feedback, the College provides a feedback form for teacher evaluation. The feedback given by the students are analyzed by the respective teacher. By discussing with Head of the Department, the teacher takes corrective action, if necessary, for improving teaching quality.
The students meet the College authorities for redressal of their grievances. The issues are also discussed in the Grievances Reprisal & Counseling Committee and the committee decides the corrective action to be adopted. The College has constituted several committees such as Discipline Committee, Repairs and Maintenance Committee etc involving both teaching staff and students for looking after various activities with specific roles and responsibilities.
Innovation in curriculum is a continuous process. The College strives to bring innovations in curriculum through its Boards of Studies constituted for different departments in order to bring the courses and academic programmes offered to the students are very close to the changing needs and requirements of the business/industry/society. This is mainly to aim at increased placement opportunities to the students after their education at the College. Keeping this in view, the College has introduced many courses with innovative changes in the last two years.
The administration of the institution is decentralized through delegation of authority to various committees. The Head of the Institution is assisted by the Heads of the Departments and other administrative staff. Heads of the departments were given freedom to plan, organize, and execute the academic programmes with the involvement of all teachers of the department. Various committees are constituted to manage the programmes of the Institution.
The College encourages strengthening of personalized teacher-student relationship. The teachers set an example for emulation by the students by embodying the principles for which the College is striving and thriving. The College tries to bring into everyone harmony, peace, teamwork, patriotism and generosity by training them in Yoga. Yoga classes are conducted every year. Every student was educated to take part in Yoga and other value based educational endeavors.
Community orientation is part of the mission of the College. This is developed among students through continuous interaction with the Society. The interaction of students with community is mainly through the NSS units of the institution. Various social activities like community plantation, AIDS awareness campaigns, NSS camps, adult literacy, population education, blood donation and cleanliness drives are regularly held.
As far as the management of human resources is concerned, the management lays the emphasis on effective use of faculty in imparting knowledge to the students through effective planning of teaching schedules, strict adherence to the academic calendar, effective motivation to the faculty, regular and constant attention on the well-being of the faculty. With regard to the non-teaching staff, they are disciplined, trained and motivated by various means so that they are effectively used in the academic matters like admissions, laboratory works, library services and examinations.
With regard to the other learning resources like library, science laboratories, computing facilities etc., a student-centric strategy is followed by the College. In this strategy, the timings, resources, and practices of the above facilities are planned and implemented to match the needs and requirements of all the students, so that the overall development of the students takes place.
The College conducts annual events like science exhibition, arts exhibition, guest lectures on personality development, performing arts etc. All such activities help the students to sharpen their social, leadership and organizational skills. Special events like Teacher’s day and Foundation Day help students not only to enjoy but also help to keep them with their culture.
The College has been constantly and continuously taking several initiatives to create a suitable and right institutional ambience for teaching and learning. It attempts to seize every opportunity to strengthen the same. In this direction, the institution places special attention on expansion of physical facilities in terms of class rooms, library and reading halls, science and computer laboratories, seminar halls, and other utilities, strengthening of faculty in terms of qualifications, quality orientation, research capabilities, and social commitment, betterment of library and lab facilities in terms of books and journals, computer systems, and science laboratory chemicals and equipment, and finally the healthy practices in terms of admissions, attendance, instruction, and evaluation. The faculty of the College always strives for enhancement of quality of education giving place for feedback from the students, by taking positive evaluation of individual teachers into consideration. The teachers are well aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the students making the atmosphere for easy comprehension and fruitful learning activity.
Finally, the management of the College constantly strives to shape the institution into a model for learner friendly system through adoption of various measures, such as building and maintaining cordial relationship between the students and faculty; motivation and encouragement to students for participation in student meets, field/industrial visits, and educational tours; inculcating the habit of regular visit to the library among the students; and encouragement to students for participation in seminars, group discussions, cultural and literary meets.
More About Goals Action Plan
- Questfor Excellence
- SocialCommitment
- EnvironmentalConsciousness
- Ethicsand Integrity
Core Values:
Quest for Excellence
Excellence is attempted to be observed as a buzzword by the College Management, Staff and Students. College aims to reach excellence in all curricular, co-curricular and extra- curricular activities.
Social Commitment
Society is one among the major stakeholders of any higher education institution. College Management upholds all social values and try to incorporate them in majority of the activities and events arranged by the different departments, associations, clubs, and cells of the college. In that way, college ensures the growth of students into socially committed individuals.
Environmental Consciousness
Management adopts all possible measures to nurture and develop environmental consciousness among all staff and students of the college. Initiatives are taken to develop and instill this environmental consciousness in variety of programs and events designed by the different departments, associations, clubs, cells etc.
Ethics & Integrity
Management along with the staff and students of the college observes ethical practice & integrity in all activities undertaken by them. Ethical and Moral values are given due consideration while drafting policies, laying down procedures and plans, executing various strategies etc. in the college. All the academic, co-curricular and extra- curricular activities are performed by all the staff in the college ethically and with due integrity.
SWOC Analysis
- Co-operative/Participative / Decentralized management approach
- Interactive,Innovative and supportive college management
- Effectivelyfunctioning College IQAC
- Strategicplanning and execution
- Timelyappraisal of performance of departments in general and staff in specific
- Timelyacceptance and support of proposal from side of departments/ associations/ cells/ clubs/ committees
- Assuranceof Inter & Intra department co-operation with college management
- Highlyqualified and talented work force
- Increasingnumber of doctoral degrees among teaching faculties
- Increasingnumber of paper publications, presentations
- Increasingnumber of faculty development programs attended by teaching staff
- Innovationand creativity among teaching faculty highlighted while designing outreach/extension activities, club activities
- Empathytowards students
- Supportiveperformance by non-teaching staff in all activities organized by departments/ associations/ cells/ clubs/ committees
- Betteracademic performance compared to the previous years
- Co-operative,Innovative, Supportive and Vibrant Student folk involved in clubs, associations, cells and other committees of the college
- Activeinvolvement in other cultural activities of the college
- Wholehearted student co-operation in the organization and conduct of industrial visits and study tours in the college
- Prominentalumni from all departments and their frequent involvement and moral support in
development activities of the college
- Alumnipresence among staff of the college
- Financialsupport from alumni in the form of endowment prizes, assistance to infrastructural development
- Assistancefrom alumni while arranging industrial visits
- Frequentalumni-get together in the college premises enhancing their co-operation
Retired staff
- Financialsupport to students in the form of endowment prizes
- Frequent get to gether in the college premises enhancing their co-operation and moralsupport to all events conducted in the college and also in the developmental activities of the
Infrastructure & Basic amenities
- Well-furnishedclassrooms, departments, office rooms, labs, library
- Allclassrooms having projectors that enhances ICT enabled teaching- learning process
- LanguageLab
- Seminarhall, Auditorium, Board room
- Parkingfacilities, Canteen
- Rampfacility
- Provisionfor wheelchair and first-aid facilities
- Conveyancefacilities
- HealthClub and Gymnasium
- Ladies’rest room
- Shuttle & Table Tennis Indoor Stadiums
- Very big play ground for out door games
- MOU with Rubicon organization to conduct training classes to enhance communication and soft skills of the students.
- MOU with IIT Bombay to conduct online certificate courses for students and Staff.
- Applicationof ICT enabled Teaching- Learning methodology to maximum extent
- Execution of programs likeStudent Support Program (SSP) for slow learners, ASAP (Additional Skill Acquisition Programme), Certificate Courses, Value addes Courses
- Participationand Achievement in University Youth Festivals
- Observanceof days of national importance
- Conductof various programs that cater to the cross cutting issues in the society and that highlight national integrity
- Existenceof different clubs/ associations that cater to statutory provisions, eco-consciousness and cross cutting issues etc. faced by community in general
- Organization andconduct of workshops/ exhibitions/ symposiums/ outreach and extension activities
- Organizationand conduct of industrial visits, study tours, recreation tours
- Conductof practical training sessions, expert lectures, invited talks
- Memorandumof Undertakings and Linkages signed with different industries
- Organizationand conduct of eco-friendly programs and activities
- Observanceof days of environmental importance
- Organicfarming
Ethical concern and humanitarian approach
- Initiatives from different clubs for conducting various programs addressing the crosscutting
issues, gender equality issues etc. of the community
- Variousgrants from Government (Local and State) agencies, UGC, Management
- Interest-freeloan facility to staff for procurement of Laptops
- FinancialAssistance for encouraging research activities among teaching staff of the College
- Usageof ICT enabled teaching techniques
- Applicationof College Management Software (ECAP)
- Desktopcomputers and Laptops in departments, IQAC and office
- Computer based Internal Assesment
Student Benefitting programs
- Arrangementof orientation and induction for fresh students in UG and PG
- Executionof individual mentoring practices
- Functioningof a counselling cell in the college with a part-time counsellor facility
- Conductof Compulsory Soft Skill training
- Organizationand conduct of placement drives and orientation classes
- EncouragingParticipation in various clubs/ cells/ associations in college
- Inadequatepublic transportation facilities
- Poor socio-economic background of students and the poor educational background ofthe parents hinder vertical progression of students and on a whole affects their attitude and outcome in their studies
- CompulsorySoft Skill Training programs organized by the college enhances the global competency of the students
- Through the placement drive initiatives and other orientations and trainings arrangedby placement cell of the college offers opportunities for career enhancement of students
- Entrepreneurship activitiesin the college provides opportunities for developing the entrepreneurial traits in students and motivates them to come up with innovative ideas and also explore possible start-up venues
- Possibilities to explore the surrounding natural potentialto maximum extent through various programs of Organic Farming
- Educational, socio-economic and cultural background of majority of students setting limitations on their career and higher educational prospects
- Orthodoxfamily background sets limitations in aspiration among parents that reflect in the goals and aims of students leading to emergence of less aspirant students in different courses
- Drop-out rate among students because of the lack of seriousness toacademic and career progress
- Lack of support from parents in ensuring career prospects of studentsespecially girls because of their eagerness to get them engaged to a married life at a possible early
- Lack of motivation among majority students to excel in their academics and careerbecause of their low level goals and aims
- Difficultyin channelizing the potential of students into academic excellence because of the undue influence of mobile phones, internet and other electronic gadgets among students creating negative impact on their studies and career prospects
Core Competencies / Highlights of the college
Management aspects
- Decentralised,Participative management
- Whole heartedsupport in conduct of Academic , Co- Curricular, Extra- curricular and developmental activities of college
- Ensuringthe application of core values in all aspects of college
- Attemptto apply the concept of ‘E-Governance’
Academic, Co- Curricular, Extra-curricular development aspects
- Improvingnumber of doctoral degrees among teachers
- ExcellentTeacher-Student relationship
- EfficientTeaching methodologies applied by teachers
- Whole hearted co-operation of staff and students in club/association/cell/committee activities
- Conduct of Industrial visits, Workshops, Expert lectures, Invited talks anddiscussions, Symposiums, Debate sessions, Conferences, Seminars, Certificate courses, Training and orientation sessions enriching the experiential learning platform of students
Technological aspects
- ICT enabledclassrooms
- Applicationof ‘Cash-less’ campus concept to a maximum possible extent
- Utilizationof ICT enabled teaching- learning methodologies
- Applicationof Audio-Visual Aids in teaching-learning process
- Conductof Webinars
- Developmentand updated use of CMS (ECAP)
Environmental Aspects
- Organicfarming supported by management, staff and students of the college
- Eco-friendlyactivities promoted by the college
Financial Aspects
- Interest-freeloan to staff for procurement of laptops
- FinancialAssistance to encourage research activities of teaching staff
- Existence of Charity club for performingactivities that nurture human values in the minds of youth
- Effective functioning of ‘Red Ribbon’ Cell in conducting AIDS awarenesscampaigns and programs
Strategic Goals of the college: Vision 2021-22
- Toemerge as a ‘Cash less’ Campus
- Toemerge as a ‘Techy campus’ ensuring 100% usage of technology blended teaching- learning process, conduct and management of office affairs and financial transactions purely on online mode, to the maximum possible extent
- Toemerge as a ‘Campus with Eco-Consciousness’ with the eco-consciousness reflected in all activities designed and executed by the college
ü To ensure staff- student participation in Research and development activities
ü Promotion of Research and development activities among staff and students
ü Ensuring increase in the number of doctoral degrees among teaching staff
ü Increase in the number of book / journal publications among teaching staff of the college
ü Ensuring maximum student and staff participation in workshops/ conferences/ seminars organized by external agencies
ü Encouraging student research projects and proposals
To make staff and students of the college as globally competent
· Arranging maximum possible number of international workshops/ conferences/ seminars
· Ensuring Compulsory Soft Skill Training for students
· Arranging maximum possible workshops/trainings/interactive sessions
· Supporting start-up ventures etc.
- SpokenEnglish coaching
- Settingup of incubation centre
- Ensuring maximum number of MOUs and Linkages with industries andhigher educational institutions with academic excellence
- Uplift the clubs of unique
- Addressing cross cutting issues, gender equality issues, other social issues etc. of thecommunity
to the maximum possible extent through clubs/ associations/ cells/ committees of the
- Developing and implementing numerous additional certificate courses,developingresearch and
development centres
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