Sri Ramakrishna Educational Society was founded in 1984 under the able chairmanship of a visionary and educationist Dr.G. Ramakrishna Reddy. The Society started Sri Ramakrishna Degree College in the same year at Nandyal, a commercial headquarters of Kurnool district. The college is known for its academic excellence. The degree college has become autonomous college from the academic year 2005-06. It offers U.G. courses with different combinations. UGC recognized only 50 colleges in India as College with Potential for Excellence. Our College is one among them. For the Quality of Education being imparted in our institution we also received ISO 9000: 2001 Certification. National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) has given ‘A’ Grade to our Institution.

After a decade’s rich experience at Under Graduate level, the Society started Sri Ramakrishna Post Graduate College in 1994. The College offers the following Courses.
we are happy to announce a new Department in MCom – E-Commerce from the Academic Year 2015-2016- M.C.A. – 3 year Full time Programme with the intake of 60 Students,
- M.B.A. – 2 year Full time Programme with the intake of 120 Students and
- M.B.A. (Finance) – 2 year Full time Programme with the intake of 60 Students.
These three courses are approved by AICTE, New Delhi. The college is affiliated to Rayalaseema University, Kurnool.
The College also offers other Fulltime Post Graduate courses affiliated to the same university in the second campus. They are
- M.Com. E-Commerce
- M.Com. Professional
- M.Sc. Computer Science
- M.Sc. Mathematics
- M.A Telugu
- M.Sc. Physics
The P.G courses got autonomous status from the academic year 2010-11.

Prof.Chandrasekar rao, was born in Nandyal, Kurnool Dt. Completed his early education in Nandyal. Obtained post graduate degree in Economics from Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati with first rank in 1973. Immediately joined teaching profession in Kavali. He served as Lecturer, Reader and Professor for 38 years (1973-2011) in Sri Venkateswara University, Kavali and Tirupati. 10 scholars received Ph.D and 18 scholars received M.Phil degrees under his able guidance. Wrote 8 biooks and published 73 research articles in journals of repute. Attended 170 conferences, seminars, workshops and academic staff college lectures as resource person. Sir, served Service Commissions of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh as paper setter and examiner. Prof Rao has rich administrative experience as Head, Chairman Board of Studies, Special Officer, Principal SVU College of Arts and Dean, Faculty of Arts. He visited and interacted with academics of A.P., Telangana, Tamii Nadu, Pondicherry, Kerala, Karnataka, Orissa and Maharashtra.
Wrote study material for students of Distance education of various Universities. Retired from service in April 2011. Sir, was conferred with the Best Teacher award by the Government of A.P in 2016. He is very active in social service activities through Rotary. Ever accessible and ever helping is his hobby. Many scholars and teachers contact him for suggestions and guidance. He is popular among All India Radio l listners. At present he is in Nandyal working for an autonomous P.G College as its Director. Broadly visited many states in India and a few countries abroad UK., USA, France, Monaco, Scotland and Nepal.
The institute, in its efforts to shape the students, pioneered the art of acquiring the latest. The institute’s imposing buildings located in a five acre complex are architectural masterpieces which accommodate forty spacious classrooms, two sprawling Air-Conditioned Conference Halls, the fountainhead of excellence – The Library, and Four Hi-tech Computer Laboratories.
It houses more than 11850 Volumes an extensive collection of books and journals on Computers, Business, Accounting, Finance, Management, Marketing, Economics and General Studies.
The atmosphere of the Library with cosy accommodation is suitable and salubrious. The library, the fountainhead of knowledge amply demonstrates the rare phenomena of committed education. The library is replete with the magazines, journals, periodicals etc to meet the needs of faculty apart from the textbooks and the reference books.
The Digital Library enables students to access e-books and other Libraries available in the Network. The Library is computerized to perform its transactions efficiently.
Computer Labs are another comprehensive facility, supporting state-of-art computing systems available to the students all the time. The Labs are equipped with 200 Pentium-IV personal workstations, which employ the Windows NT,2000 and Ret Hat Linux operating systems, etc.
Internet Facility is provided on LAN through 2 MBPS Leased Line connection from BSNL. The entire college campus is equipped with Wi-Fi enabled environment, which allows students and faculty to browse the Internet in wirless mode.
Audio-Visual Cell to complement the regular teaching methods by acquiring more than 560 management and computer-based educational cassettes, Compact Disks are also equipped with Computer Based Tutorial (CBT) system. This cell is newly equipped with 12 LCD projectors.
Our Institution encourages students to build up conceptual and practical skills through distinctive student forums. We have a variety of clubs like Spoorthi, Pragathi, Prathyusha, Synergy, Mathematicos, etc. – each belongs to a separate P.G. Course.
College has two excellent Women’s Hostel Blocks. Each is a three-storied block. Each block provides all facilities including Mini Computer Laboratory with Internet connectivity. It has 110 rooms with attached toilet facility. All the rooms are well furnished.
INFORAYS (College Monthly Magazine) – Ideas shape Ideals
Ideas influence how we think and work. Inforays is the college magazine that is exclusively run by the students of the Institution. It provides a platform to share the noble ideas of the students.
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