Know More About Computer Centre/ Laboratories
The college boasts of an ultra-modern computer centre which caters to demands of the faculty student community. The centre is open to all the faculty and students from 8.00 am to 8.00 pm free internet access is available for the faculty and students at this centre. It is also helping the needy faculty to acquire basic computing skills which they can use to handle the latest technological tools in the classroom and make this teaching sessions more interesting and interactive. Many faculty members of the science as well as social science departments use the centre has procured scanners for image scanning which is very useful to the students and teachers alike.
The college has four state-of-the-art computer laboratories hours in a spacious wing of the college. The upgradation of the laboratories is an ongoing process with the ever increasing demand for computer courses. The college has purchase of a no. of softwares related to the programmes being offered to the students. These labs offer computing facilities and broadband internet access to the faculty and students in addition to the regular laboratory sessions which are part of the study programmes. They are encouraged to make the most of the facilities offered in their teaching and learning process and also in their research work.
Know More About LIBRARY
The college has one very spacious, well-lit, and airy reading hall, which can accommodate about 150 students at a time in the main campus and another library in the second campus. The Librarian-in-charge ensures access only to the students carrying student Identity Card. All the students are highly disciplined and honest and there is an assistant to ensure the security of materials. The library-attendant advises the students to establish their identity and they are advised to keep their belongings outside the stack-area and sign in the Readers’ Register. There is an Accession Register showing classification and cataloguing of all books / and the librarian-in-charge can easily locate any book of the choice of the reader. To ensure effective use of library facilities both by the students and faculty, the library is kept open from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. on all working days, i.e., 6 days in a week and on holidays it remains open from 10 A.M. to 5 P.M. The library has photocopying facility and is made available to both the students and faculty. The audio-visual material such as CDs, Cassettes, and Floppies received along with the books purchased are sent to the respective departments to facilitate their issue and use by the students at the department level. Internet connectivity is also provided in the library, which can be made use of by the students and staff as well. Further, the College has
- Procured number of CDs from IIT, Delhi
- Procured Video cassettes prepared by UGC,AIMA , Delhi
- Provided E-Library facility for the benefit of students and teachers
The textbooks and reference books in the library are issued to the students using a card system. The textbooks are also issued for the entire year. The books are to be returned at the end of the academic year. A token deposit amount is taken from the students, which is refunded back at the end of the year.
- The library is open on all days including holidays.
- On working days, Library remains open from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
- On holidays, library remains open from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- The students are encouraged to visit the library during their free time.
- The library has a separate collection for students appearing for various competitive examinations.
- The library is subscribing to a number of journals, magazines to keep the faculty and students abreast of the latest trends and changes in their respective fields.
The college is regularly subscribing to many Indian and foreign Journals.
There is an archives section in which back volumes of journals, periodicals and publications are preserved for consultation by the students and faculty as and when required. The Librarian in-charge, with the help of an attendant keeps the archives section open at least two hours a day and some times, the former students of this institution who have been engaged in research work visit the library for consultation back volumes and the librarian in-change raises to the occasion in providing the learners the relevant information sought.
Know More About SPORTS
The college has a play-ground measuring approximately 5 acres and a sports room in which all the sports equipment are kept safely. The college has gymnasium for the use of the students and faculty. The college provides uniforms and kits to the students participating in various sporting events.
Women students are also encouraged to participate in sports events by the lecturer in Physical Education, Smt. V. Vijaya Kumari. Separate timings are allotted for women students visiting the gymnasium. They are encouraged to participate in both indoor and outdoor games.
College is highly updated with the latest sports equipment, recently College added an Indoor stadium, fully furnished with 4 Synthetic Shuttle Badminton courts with International Standards.
College has hosted many events in sports, and created itself a brand value for particular sports like Shuttle Badminton ( Men/ Women), Cricket (Men).
College has an upcoming Stadium for 10 Meters Air Rifle Shooting Stadium, under the Grants of UGC.
Winners of AP CM Cup 2019 – Shuttle Badminton (Women)
NSS was started in Mahatma Gandhi’s Birth cenetary year 1969 on 24th September. National Service scheme is a community service programme sponsored by the ministry of Human resource Development Government of India. This scheme promotes
- Social Consciousness
- Sense of responsibility
- Sense of discipline
- Service to the community
- Personality Development
- National Integration practice
- Dignity of Labour self employment
- Creative and construction feature
Among students at College Level
Aims of N.S.S Development of the personality of students through community services.
- To work with or among the people
- To engaged in creative and constructive social actions.
- To enhance knowledge and awareness among the communities.
- To put the talents to practical use in mitigating some of the problems.
- To exercise leadership qualities in democratic set up.
- To gain skills in programme development and devote some time for manual work on volunteers basis.
- To bridge the gap between the educated and uneducated masses.
- To promote the will to serve the weak of section of the community.
The motto of the National service scheme is “NOT ME BUT YOU”. This expresses the essence of democratic living and up holds the need for selfless service and appreciation of the other man’s point of view and also to so consideration for fellow human beings. It underlines the welfare of an individual which ultimately depend on the welfare of society as a whole. Therefore is should be the aim of the N.S.S to demonstrate this motto in its day to day programme.
N.S.S. Unit – I (Boys)
- Sri K.B.V. Subbaiah
- Sri E. Venkateswarlu
NSS Unit – II (Girls)
- Kum. B.V. Ramanamma
- Sri D. Janardhan
The N.S.S activities are two types
- Regular – Leisure house of time
- Special camping – 10 days time
These programmes cover mainly four types of activity based projects.
I.Institutional Projects:
- Improvement of campuses.
- Construction of play fields.
- Landscape development.
- Environmental clubs.
II. Urban Projects:
- About education.
- Environmental education.
- Health and hygiene for slum developers.
- Plantation green belt development.
- Setting of first aid and sanitation management.
III. Rural Projects:
- Agricultural practices.
- Construction roads and sanitation.
- Eradication of literacy.
- Health, hygiene and nutrition.
- Minor irrigation works.
IV. Welfare Projects:
- Assisting welfare agencies.
- Families welfare and saving drive.
- Funds mobilization for welfare agencies.
- Promotion of Co-operative societies.
- Republication works for destitute.
Besides these projects the N.S.S Units may take up an other projects of activities, which should a based on the local needs and priorities and also considering the diverse aptitudes of the students with in the easy reach of Colleges and available resources.
We are proud to say that our volunteers are donating blood to the Govt., Hospital every year. Besides volunteers are donating blood to the needy.
The NCC came into existence on 16 July 1948 through the NCC Act XXXI of 1948 under the Ministry of Defense with the following aims:-
(a) To develop character, comradeship, ideals of service and capacity for leadership in the youth of the country.
(b) To stimulate interest in the defence of the country, by providing service training to youth of the country.
(c) To build up a reserve to enable the Armed Forces to expand rapidly in a national emergency.
NCC Boys Unit, 143D/28Pln, was raised in July 2003 at Sri Rama Krishna Degree College, Nandyal, with a sanctioned strength of 50 cadets. Sri E.V. Bhaskara Reddy, Lecturer in English, was appointed as the Care Taker Officer of the unit.
Lt. E.V. Bhaskara Reddy – Best A.N.O.-2005
Sri E.V. Bhaskara Reddy attended precommission course at the Officer’s Training Academy (OTA), Kamptee, Maharastra, from 22nd November 2004 to 19th February, 2005. On completion of precommission course, he became a commissioned Officer and was given the rank of lieutenant.
Since its inception, the boys unit has been very active in all the NCC activities as well as the extension activities of the college.
The following are some of the achievements of the boys unit:
- S.U.O M. Javeed Hussain of this college represented the NCC directorate of Andhra Pradesh at the Republic Day camp and participated in the Prime Minister’s rally held at New Delhi from 01-01-06 to 29-01-06. He has also participated in the Republic Day marching contingent.
- S.U.O M. Javeed Hussain Participated in the Independence Day parade at Secunderabad on 15th of Aug 05 and received Commendation Certificate from the Director General of Police.
- S.G.T. A. Raghavendra Reddy and cadet K. Narendra attended National Integration Camp – I held at Port Quarters, Malkspuram, Visakhapatnam from 24-11-2006 to 05-12-2006.
- S.G.T. G. Murali Mohan, J.U.O Y. Jagadeesh Reddy and cadet, M. Parameswara Reddy attended All India Trekking Expedition “Kerala Trek” 2006-07 held at Peppara, Kerala from 05-01-2006 to 25-01-2007.
As part of its mission to empower women an exclusive NCC girl wing was raised in 2003 with the strength of 150.
Over the years Sri Ramakrishna Degree College has produced potential cadets who have won many laurels.
NCC Officer Dr. V.C. Lalitha Saraswathi completed Pre-Commission course from 15-06-04 to 11-09-04 at Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh. She was given the rank of Lieutenant.
Dr. V.C. Lalitha Saraswathi was selected as the Best ANO (Associate NCC Officer) from entire Kurnool Group in 2006.
Lt.V.C.Lalitha Saraswathi achieved the Best Disciplined Officer prize at Delhi. The prize was given by Group Commander Air Force. Com A. Shankar.
Lt. V.C.Lalitha Saraswathi has participated in many camps such as NIC, BLC, CATC etc.,
- Two cadets participated in Shimla Trecking Camp from 21-05-04 to 04-06-2004.
- Two cadets participated in ATC/summer camp held at Secunderabad from 14-06-04 to 25-06-04.
- In 2004 two cadets Participated in NIC at Kohima in Nagaland.
NCC cadets have also participated in various Social service activities. Cadets actively Participated the various Pulse Polio Campaigns held throughout the year. The cadets participated in Blood Donation camps held on the college premises.
In the year 2006, two cadets were selected for Army attachment camp held in Secunderabad from 06-05-2006 to 25-06-06.
- In the year 2006 one cadet Participated in Pre R.D. Camp held at Secunderabad.
- In the year 2006 two cadets participated in NIC in Delhi Garrison parade. Delhi from 19-11-06 to 30-11-06.
- In the year 2006 one cadet participated in SPL.NIC in Chakkabam (NER) from 24-11-06 to 05-12-06.
The college at present has made hostel facilities available to the women students. The women’s hostel is situated very close to the second campus.
The women’s hostel can accommodate 480 students. There are 160 rooms in the hostel. However, to meet the increasing demand, it is proposed to construct a third floor on the existing building.
The hostel inmates are provided with the following facilities:
a) Purified and safe drinking water facilities (Mineral water plant)
b) Recreation facilities (Home theatre)
c) Internet facilities
d) Games and sports
e) Medical facilities, and
f) Transport facilities
The students participate in extra curricular activities and recreational activities with great enthusiasm. The college has the custom of organizing several functions to celebrate different occasions throughout the year. The students exhibit their talents through cultural events organized on these occasions.
- Musical concert on Annamaiah’s devotional song by T.T.D.
- Hindi Diwas
- Youth Festivals
- Celebration of important days
- Vivekananda Jayanthi
- Teachers day
- Fresher’s day celebration
INFORAYS (College Monthly Magazine)
– Ideas shape Ideals
Ideas influence how we think and work. Inforays is the college magazine that is exclusively run by the students of the Institution. It provides a platform to share the noble ideas of the students.
Electronic Resource Development Center
ELRDC Lab is a kind of Studio setup, where we shoot, develop and publish the videos.
here back in the field of education, every faculty has dream of publishing their own knowledge on online, but every faculty has a question of How..?? here we have a solution with ELRDC Lab, where we help the faculty to shoot/record the video lessons, and with our team of students under the guidance of faculty we develop those recordings into beautiful video lectures.
Model Bank
Model Bank....
Most of the students in this area come from Rural Backgrounds, in order to teach them and educate them the modern worlds, we here in college have a model bank, where student can have the knowledge of learning the things which can be/ what can be done at banks is thought here, we do invite people/ managers from different banks from both Private & Nationalized Sectors, so that students can learn more easily.
We believe in things like, along with the Descriptive Education, Practical Knowledge adds value which makes students to reach their goals more easily.
Model Stock Exchange
Model Stock Exchange
in Model Stock Exchange, we provide awareness to the students about stock markets, what happens in stock markets, what are stocks and how the Values Fluctuates.
we train students with Stock Simulation Games, where student can learn things easily, with the help more user friendly applications/ Websites, which will help students to understand the concepts and application part.
every year, college will undergo certain Management & Commerce meets, where students will be organizing Stock Simulation Games to the students of other colleges in the name of Stock Buzz.
Stock Buzz is a good platform for the students to learn and to share the knowledge of Stock Markets.
there was an old saying, we learn things more, if we teach people. We believe in the same quote.
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