Institution – Industry Cell

Institution – Industry Cell is established for bridge the gap between the institute and industry and thus enhancing the relationship among each other.

This cell identifies the industrial expectation and promotes institutional preparation for meeting industrial needs by facilitating sponsored R&D projects, seminars, workshops and various other industrial training programmes.

The aim of the cell is to make an effective contribution to educational system identifying the gap between academic curriculum and need of the industry.

Institution – Industry Cell promotes in equipping faculty to latest practices and makes the students industry-ready by providing exposure to current industry practices and hone their skills to adapt changing technologies.

The primary focus of Institution – Industry Cell is to interact with elite industries across the country and establish partnership them.

Function of the Cell: 

The institute has set up an Industry-Institute Partnership Cell with the following objectives:

  • Bridging the gap between Industry-Institute by interactive programs
  • Promoting a partnership approach towards mobilizing industrial
  • To arrange for students’ industrial visit.
  • Organizing seminars, symposium, exhibitions and workshops both for faculties and
  • students in cutting edge technologies to cater to the current need of the
  • To arrange industrial training for students and faculty
  • To identify the opportunities for student project work in
  • To encourage the department level tie-ups or MoUs with Industries for the mutual
  • To promote consultancy activities and research and developmental activities with
  • To enrich the teaching learning process through identified industrial
  • To invite industry experts for guest lectures, seminars Brain-storming sessions and expertise sharing

Roles & Responsibilities of the Committee Members:


  • To initiate different collaboration with industries at institute level by identifying the industrial expectation and promoting institutional preparation for meeting industrial needs by facilitating project work, seminars, workshops and various other industrial training
  • To identify the gap in the curriculum keeping in mind the Program Specific Outcome of their respective department and cater to them by initiating different events, workshop, industry visit in collaboration with different industries.

  • To identify the need of the industry and current trend by getting the requirement from the students for initiating different events, workshop in collaboration with different industries.

Institution – Industry Cell Impact Analysis:


  • Webinars helps in bridging the gap between Industry and Academia and thus providing the industrial and practical knowledge to the students on recent trends in
  • Students got the opportunity to work in an Industrial Project
  • The effectiveness of this practice can be gauged by the great response of the participants

of the workshops.

  • Students picked up what they learnt at the workshops to implement their own mini project

and also final year projects.

  • Industrial Visits has been organized to give the students an elaborate exposure towards the industry need in recent.

Activities of Institution – Industry Cell

Under the Initiative of Institution – Industry Cell, Sri Ramakrishna Degree College organized Industrial Visit for its students in the various esteemed organization. The industrial visit bridges the gap between theoretical training and practical learning in a real-life environment.

List of the events organized through Institution – Industry Cell:

Name of the Industry/Organisation Date Outcome
IIM CARPEDIEM Kozhikode 05.12.2017 To provide practical exposure & to bridge the gap between industry & academic activities
Sri Ramakrishna Degree college 28.12.2017 For giving exposure to students regarding the importance of entrepreneurship
Sri Ramakrishna Degree college 29.12.2017 Resource person From Rayalaseema University guided the students towards entrepreneurship
Sri Ramakrishna Degree college 30.12.2017 For giving exposure to start ups
Organised by dept of sociology of Lokmanya mahavidyalaya 06.06.2020 " Impact of covid-109 on indigenous people"
Sanskrithi school of Business 30.05.2020 (Virtual) Financial planning for safe and high returns - A lesson from COVID-19 Students received inputs regarding how to invest and how to save the money.
Audisankara college of engineering and technology 09.06.2020 (Virtual) Through this webinar students got to know about the Basic steps to be followed for filing a Patent Application. The structure of Indian IPR System. They came to know about the Procedures required to convert a Research Work in to a Patent. How to create a well-protected Innovation in the Instituition.
Ambition learning solutions 06.03.2021 Awareness about Investment Opportunities in Indian stock market. ii. Knowledge about the prospects of Financial Markets for individual Investment. iii. Awareness about the opportunities to invest in different financial instruments with the help of online brokers.
Awareness on Entrepreneurship -Dr.Inv.shiva kiran -C.E.O-AIC-SKU 24.04.2023 Awareness was created to the students on Entrepreneurship

Industrial visit to swagruha foods pandurangapuram:

List  of MOU’S College had:

Name of the Industry/Organisation Date Outcome
Girne American University - North Cyprus 26.07.2018 Staff exchange and collaboration, Joint research activities publications Student exchange
Sri Nandiswara Polymers pvt. ltd. 15.09.2018 Industrial training
Sri Nandiswara Polymers pvt. ltd. 29.09.2018 Carry-out various social activities by NSS & NCC
Globarena 25.09.2018 Career planning, strength assessment test which measures personality, talent and attitude, English language proficiency test training in interview sills and Group discussions etc
Globaltek Prosolutions Pvt. Ltd 01.04.2019 To identify the areas of training required and to take up project works by the students, training required to the faculty/ staff of the college and guidelines for the project works and training programmes.
S.P.Y. Agro Industries Limited 24.01.2020 (Virtual) all forms of e-waste and/or e-scrap collected out of discarded electronics equipment of all kinds, including but not limited to IT and telecommunications Equipments like printers, printer, cartridge, faxes, copiers, spares
Sujala Pipes Pvt. Ltd 06.02.2020 (Virtual) Providing internship (Short- Term/Long-Term) and training, placement to students, establishing various start-ups, Sponsoring student projects/ R&D (Research & Development) Projects/ fellowships in Three Years Degree or Four years Honors Degree program and trainings on Entrepreneurship Development, Workshops, Seminars and Motivational programme for the students to acquire sills required for the global competency.
Greenvio Solutions 16.07.2021 Environmental design consultancy firm with motto of developing healthy and sustainable environments and providing consultancy service for Green Building Audits, Trainings, Architecture, Interior Designing..