NSS was started in Mahatma Gandhi’s Birth cenetary year 1969 on 24th September. National Service scheme is a community service programme sponsored by the ministry of Human resource Development Government of India. This scheme promotes
- Social Consciousness
- Sense of responsibility
- Sense of discipline
- Service to the community
- Personality Development
- National Integration practice
- Dignity of Labour self employment
- Creative and construction feature
Among students at College Level
Aims of N.S.S Development of the personality of students through community services.
- To work with or among the people
- To engaged in creative and constructive social actions.
- To enhance knowledge and awareness among the communities.
- To put the talents to practical use in mitigating some of the problems.
- To exercise leadership qualities in democratic set up.
- To gain skills in programme development and devote some time for manual work on volunteers basis.
- To bridge the gap between the educated and uneducated masses.
- To promote the will to serve the weak of section of the community.

The motto of the National service scheme is “NOT ME BUT YOU”. This expresses the essence of democratic living and up holds the need for selfless service and appreciation of the other man’s point of view and also to so consideration for fellow human beings. It underlines the welfare of an individual which ultimately depend on the welfare of society as a whole. Therefore is should be the aim of the N.S.S to demonstrate this motto in its day to day programme.
N.S.S. Unit – I (Boys)
- Sri K.B.V. Subbaiah
- Sri E. Venkateswarlu
NSS Unit – II (Girls)
- Kum. B.V. Ramanamma
- Sri D. Janardhan
The N.S.S activities are two types
- Regular – Leisure house of time
- Special camping – 10 days time
These programmes cover mainly four types of activity based projects.
I.Institutional Projects:
- Improvement of campuses.
- Construction of play fields.
- Landscape development.
- Environmental clubs.
II. Urban Projects:
- About education.
- Environmental education.
- Health and hygiene for slum developers.
- Plantation green belt development.
- Setting of first aid and sanitation management.
III. Rural Projects:
- Agricultural practices.
- Construction roads and sanitation.
- Eradication of literacy.
- Health, hygiene and nutrition.
- Minor irrigation works.
IV. Welfare Projects:
- Assisting welfare agencies.
- Families welfare and saving drive.
- Funds mobilization for welfare agencies.
- Promotion of Co-operative societies.
- Republication works for destitute.
Besides these projects the N.S.S Units may take up an other projects of activities, which should a based on the local needs and priorities and also considering the diverse aptitudes of the students with in the easy reach of Colleges and available resources.
We are proud to say that our volunteers are donating blood to the Govt., Hospital every year. Besides volunteers are donating blood to the needy.
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